Fasilitas Distribusi Keseluruh Wilayah Indonesia dan Originalitas Produk Bergaransi
Fasilitas Distribusi Logistik
“Fasilitas Distribusi Logistik Keseluruh Wilayah Indonesia dengan Armada Pengiriman yang Handal.”
Originalitas Produk Bergaransi
“Seluruh Produk Resmi Bergaransi dari Perusahaan Principle di setiap Brand yang ada dengan Sistem dan Tim Pemasaran, Tim Operational yang handal serta kompeten di bidangnya..”
Temukan berbagai alat kesehatan dan laboratorium terlengkap dan berkualitas di PT. Arsy Media Karya Indonesia. Berbagai jenis Alat kesehatan, Alat laboratorium, Bahan Kimia, Media Uji, Reagen Molekuler dan Consumable produk tersedia disini.
PT. Arsy Media Karya Indonesia adalah salah satu distributor dan penyedia layanan riset Life Science terkemuka di Indonesia. Kami dikenal memiliki Tenaga Teknisi yang berkompeten dibidangnya, Tim Penjualan dan Layanan Pelanggan yang responsife serta andal dengan waktu penyelesaian yang cepat.
Sebagai salah satu distributor terbesar di Indonesia, Kami tidak hanya menyediakan produk Alkes dan Life Science tetapi kami juga menerima layanan biologi molekuler melalui Lab. Bioteknologi. Laboratorium ini menyediakan layanan ilmiah dan profesional di bidang ini. Kami di dukung oleh para ilmuan dan keahlian kami dalam bidang Biologi Molekuler dan berkomitmen untuk memberikan hasil layanan yang berkualitas kepada seluruh klien kami.
PT. ARSY MEDIA KARYA INDONESIA berdiri tahun 2017 sebagai perusahaan swasta di Jakarta. Bisnis utama kami adalah impor, penjualan dan pemasaran terutama pada produk atau alat-alat Kedokteran, Laboratorium, Bioteknologi, Mikrobiologi dan juga konsultan Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi. Saat ini PT. ARSY MEDIA KARYA INDONESIA telah berkembang menjadi distributor terkemuka untuk teknologi alat – alat kesehatan, bioteknologi, mikrobiologi dan ilmu hayati di Indonesia.
Dengan lebih dari 1.000 item produk, PT. ARSY MEDIA KARYA INDONESIA melayani kebutuhan pelanggan, terutama di Pusat Penelitian, Rumah Sakit & Laboratorium, Universitas, Sekolah, Industri (Makanan, Minuman & Farmasi), serta juga Lembaga – Lembaga Sertifikasi di Indonesia dan lain – lain.
Kami bekerja melalui kantor perwakilan, sub-distributor dan dealer / perusahaan lokal di seluruh Indonesia untuk memberikan layanan yang terbaik kepada pelanggan.
PT. Arsy Media Karya Indonesia merupakan solusi terhadap kebutuhan anda terkait Alat Kedokteran, Alat-Alat Laboratorium Riset dengan teknologi terbaru, Alkes Disposable, Alat Peraga Sains untuk kebutuhan Laboratorium Sekolah, Bahan Chemical & Reagent Molekuler yang sudah terjamin kualitasnya.
Peralatan medis yang digunakan untuk kegiatan praktik umum dan alat analisis yang biasa digunakan di Rumah Sakit Umum dan Klinik.
Alat Laboratorium Riset
Alat Laboratorium Riset yang digunakan untuk kegiatan praktik umum dan alat analisis yang biasa digunakan di Laboratorium Rumah Sakit dan Universitas Ternama.
Alat - Alat Kesehatan Disposible
Alat Kesehatan habis pakai atau disposable adalah alat sederhana tetapi rutin digunakan di Rumah Sakit maupun keperluan klinis lainnya. Tersedia berbagai macam pilihan disposable seperti jarum suntik, sarung tangan, perban, masker, nurse cap, alat infuse, kateter dan lain-lain.
Alat Laboratorium Sekolah
Menyediakan Alat-alat dan Bahan Kimia Laboratorium IPA untuk tingkat SMP dan SMA
Bahan Kimia
Bahan Kimia tersedia dari Brand OXOID, Merck, dan J.T Baker
Reagen Molekuler
Produk by PROMEGA, tersedia berbagai Kits Moleculer, Primer, DNA Taq Polymerase dal lain-lain.
Microbiology, Cell Culture, Biomolekuler
Microcentrifuge Tube
Currently, 4 size of micro centrifuge tubes are being supplied. They are 0.5mL, 1.5ml, 2.0ml and 5.0mL. some researchers call these EP tubes, all of ours are made of virgin PP, could be autoclavable. Now both size is universal fitness, could work very well with centrifuges and mini centrifuges, normal speed and high speed centrifuge tube, please kindly find right item you need in below table.
Features : Designed for ELISA method, Medical grade polystyrene, Conform to SBS/ ANSI, Both detachable and undetectable, plates are available, Flat and transparent well bottom, High binding (protein binding:300-400 ng∕cm2), Medium binding (protein binding: 200-300 ng∕cm2).
GenFollower centrifuge tubes are made of virgin PP, so they are autoclavable at 120°C. the Maximum centrifuge speed is up tp 12000g for 15ml tube and up to 9500g for 50ml tube.White graduation and large blank area is easy for researcher read and write. Caps with different color are available. It makes convenient for researcher to find out the right tube at once.
Cell Culture-Flask NEST
NEST Cell Culture Flasks With ISO9001&13485 certified, NEST Cell culture Flasks are manufactured in 100,000 grade cleaning room with USP 6 grade raw materials. Nest is committed to be your best choice for laboratory and medical consumables. Nest delivers the one stop solution for its products including tooling making, injection, processing, sterilization, all under one roof. In addition to this product, NEST has launched over 200 plastic consumable products for cell culture, Molecular Biology, Microbiology, liquid handling and storage, Lab Instruments and Medical Instruments.
Screw Cap Tube
Made of original medical class polypropylene, Strong resistance to almost all chemical liquid in labortary, Every single cap equiped PCR purity O shape sealring (it ensures no leakage at any angle so that researchers don’t have to worry about contamination and Biohazard), Production process is in dust free clean room, All tubes certified RNase and DNase free, non pyrogenic and endotoxin free, Conical bottom designed, less retention after transportation, It could work with almost all regular centrifuges, cryo boxes and liquid handling working stations.
QSP Low Retention Non-Filtered and Filtered Tips
Dispensing certain liquids can form a film on your tip, which can affect assay accuracy and precision. Thermo Scientific™ QSP low retention tips offer a solution with hydrophobic inner surface that reduces liquid retention.
A1620 Wizard Genomic DNA Purification Kits
The Wizard® Genomic DNA Purification Kit provides a simple, solution-based method for isolation of DNA from white blood cells, tissue culture cells, animal tissue, plant tissue, yeast and Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. DNA purified with this system is suitable for a variety of applications, including amplification, digestion with restriction endonucleases and membrane hybridizations (e.g., Southern and dot/slot blots).
The Maxwell® RSC RNA FFPE Kit is used with the Maxwell® RSC Instrument to provide an easy method for efficient, automated purification of RNA from mammalian formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue samples. The kit does not require the use of hazardous organic solvents, such as xylene, ensuring a safer protocol than other common methods. The Maxwell® RSC Instrument is supplied with preprogrammed purification procedures and is designed for use with predispensed reagent cartridges, maximizing simplicity and convenience. Purified RNA is suitable for direct use in a variety of amplification-based downstream applications.
Our analytical reagents are not only specified in accordance with the American ACS standard but also Reag. Ph. Eur. We offer you ACS products in compliance with the 10th Edition of ACS , the most reliable results due to high chemical purity, and excellent batch-to-batch consistency. Under the product designation "For analysis EMSURE®, ACS, Reag. Ph Eur", we supply a comprehensive range of acids, salts, caustic alkalis, solvents, indicators and special reagents
The ReliaPrep™ RNA Miniprep Systems provide a fast and simple technique for preparation of intact total RNA from cultured cells or tissue in as little as 30 minutes. The proprietary column/binding matrix efficiently captures RNA from very small amounts of input material, isolating RNA eluted in a minimal volume (less than 15µl). Using this membrane-based purification system, from 100 to 5 × 106 cultured cells or 0.25 to 20mg of tissue can be processed per purification. The system incorporates a DNase treatment step directly on the minicolumn membrane and effectively removes substances that can inhibit downstream assays. Purification is achieved without the use of phenol:chloroform extractions or ethanol precipitations, resulting in pure RNA that does not require additional purification or concentration of the RNA for use in demanding applications.
The Wizard® SV Gel and PCR Clean-Up System is designed to extract and purify DNA fragments of 100bp to 10kb from standard or low-melting agarose gels or to purify products directly from PCR and other common reactions such as restriction digests. Up to 95% recovery is achieved depending upon the DNA fragment size. PCR products are commonly purified to remove excess nucleotides and primers. This membrane-based system, which can bind up to 40μg of DNA, allows recovery of isolated DNA fragments or PCR products in as little as 15 minutes, depending on the number of samples processed. The purified DNA can be used for automated fluorescent DNA sequencing, cloning, labeling, restriction enzyme digestion or in vitro transcription/translation without further manipulation.
J.T.Baker® and Macron Fine Chemicals™
J.T.Baker® and Macron Fine Chemicals™, Avantor's brands for laboratory and production chemicals are now available at VWR. The portfolio of J.T.Baker® and Macron Fine Chemicals™ from Avantor offers solutions that span every stage in your research and development process – from the laboratory bench to full production. Avantor has the application-based performance and purity you need for your specific requirements.
Maxisafe 2030i Biosafety Cabinets
Thermo Scientific™
PT. Arsy Media Karya Indonesia adalah salah satu distributor alat – alat kesehatan dan penyedia layanan riset Life Science terkemuka di Indonesia. Kami dikenal memiliki Tenaga Teknisi yang berkompeten dibidangnya, Tim Penjualan dan Layanan Pelanggan yang responsife serta andal dengan waktu penyelesaian yang cepat.
Dan untuk melihat lebih lengkapnya berbagai macam produk yang kami tawarkan maka dapat langsung download saja katalog-katalog PT. ARSY MEDIA KARYA INDONESIA pada link dibawah ini :
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